




a.- USUARIA – ASOCIACION ARGENTINA DE USUARIOS DE LA INFORMATICA Y LAS COMUNICACIONES and the members of ETIS-LAC investigation team are severely involve with the rules of Law 25.326, of Personal Character Information Protection, regulated by 1558/2001 Decree and with the guarantee and protection of personal information, public freedom and fundamental rights of physical people, and specially of their honour and personal and relatives intimacy.

b.- This privacy policy applies to the site of ETIS-LAC. We will maintain the information provided in absolutely confidentiality, declaring it will not be sell neither given to third parts. For your own security our database is being registered in the National Direction of Protection of Personal Character Information (FA 01 NRO. 13806).

c.- When you complete Offered and/or Demand form situated in the site of ETIS-LAC, you will be asked for information that will be stored, systematized and statistically analyzed. In case you supply that information, you accept and give your consent for the using of your personal information on the purposes already described above. You also accept that it will be completely destroy after given the last report to the IDRC, Canadian organism that finances the project ETIS-LAC.

d.- In fulfillment of the legal obligations in matter of protection of personal data in the República Argentina, it could be revealed to third parties, only in case of fulfillment of the procedures such as, an order of search, a summons, a judicial order, or a request of administrative or judicial authorities which are considered valid according to the applicable normative. 

e.- When you use our site, you are manifesting your previous free, express and informed consent to our Private Policy, and also to the use and destruction of your Personal Information in the terms mentioned above.

f.- Our Private Policy can suffer changes in the future, so we urge you to read it periodically. Without prejudice of it, you will be alerted when possible changes are made in order to let you know and give consent of them.

g.-You recognize that the use of ETIS-LAC site is under your own risk and exclusive responsibility.

h.- Competent jurisdiction and applicable law: Any interpretation and/or conflict related to all or a part of the present Private Policy here stated, or within the fulfillment of the policy, will be dissolved by the competent ordinary Tribunals of Ciudad Autónoma of Buenos Aires, República Argentina, making the user giving up to other jurisdiction that can be competent.  

Moreover, for the effects mentioned above, the law of the República Argentina will be exclusively applied, with the exclusion of any norm of your international law system and/or other indicating the application of a different foreign law.

Additionally, USUARIA, being responsible for the Database of ETIS-LAC, will be able to choose to his own will the submission of the situations above mentioned to mediators, and the user will not be able to oppose to this instance, being the link between both parts.




a.- The Holder will have the right to ask and get information of his personal data included on the base of ETIS-LAC. This access right will be practiced by means of request to the designated person in charge, formulated by any way, that guarantee the affected person identification and live a reception constancy .

The holder of the database should answer to the exercise of the right access on the maximum term of ten skillful days, in case of being announced, committing to resolve the attention of the right exercise in the less time possible.

He should answer to the right access exercise, giving all the information.

b.- The holders have the right to be rectified and complete, or in their case, canceled the personal data contain on the ETIS-LAC base if that data is wrong or incomplete.

All the data rectified, actualized or remove will be notified to all the people or entities that were communicated.

The holders have the right to manifest their will against any treatment when exists well-funded and legitimated related to a concrete personal situation to the one precise to obtain his consent.


The rights previously explained about access, rectification, actualization and removal of incomplete personal data could be practiced free of charge, in less than six months, unless is accredit a real, legitimate interest to the effect.




The personal data that will be registered, will be collect and/or systematize according to the established on the legislation referred to the Personal Data Protection of the República Argentina, according to the following maintenance treatment:

a.- Will be kept in relation to the legitimate purposes they were obtain, couldn't being use in other way incompatible with them.

b.- The data will be adequate, pertinent and no excessive to the purpose of why they were collect and exact and put on the day by trade, when the obtaining sources information allowed, or an instance of the holders, in the way they reflect the actual situation of the holder.


The personal data will be canceled when it is no longer necessary or pertinent to the aim why it was collected and registered.

It will be kept only for the necessary time to serve the aims with base for what it was collected and registered.

The inexact and expired data will be canceled and, in any case, substitute with the rectified data. The incomplete data should be complete.




It has been adopted and it will continue to be adopted necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee data security and confidentiality to avoid their alteration, lost, treatment, non-authorized access to third parties, and neither the transmission to these last mentioned on the same way. 

The obligations described in the paragraph above will be demand on the same way to a person and/or persons in charge of the measure, maintenance and explode of the base and the team members under their responsibility.


The owe secret is an obligation we assume which will subsist for all the members of the ETIS-LAC project, even after the finalization of this investigation project and its relations with the responsible entity.


For any further question about our private policy or if you would like to practice your rights, please contact us:

1)     By email to, or

2)     Writing a letter to the Asociación Argentina de Usuarios de Información y de las Comunicaciones – Asociación Civil with head office in Rincón 326 in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, República Argentina.
