Export of teleservices for the social and labor inclusion of Latin America and the Caribbean

Lic. Sonia Boiarov


The project leader will do the follow up  and will intervene in the different topics with the object of reaching the aims of this project.

She will be in charge of the coordination and follow-up of the different participating local and international institutes.

She will be the link with the IDRC.


Cell phone: +54-11 (15) 5817 3294

Web Site:


·         Lic. Labor Relations – University of Buenos Aires.

·         Master in Labor Social Studies – University of Buenos Aires.

Teaching Activity:

·         UNTREF: Teacher of the Maestry in Labor Relations at University of Tres de Febrero.

·         UBA: Attach Professor – Chair Personal Administration II – Commission I – Labor Relations Degree.

·         UNESCO: Coordinator and contain design of the Teleworker Course since 2002.

·         USAL: Ex Associate Professor – Chair Remunerations Administration at the University of El Salvador. 

·     UCEL: Ex Associate Professor  - Chair of Remunerations and Benefits – University of Latin-American Center of Rosario – Santa Fe.

·    Foundation High Direction of Mendoza: Dictation of Courses on Changeable Remuneration and Labor Competitions.

·        IIR - Institute for International Research: Trainer on Changeable Remuneration and Labor Competitions.


Director of the Teleworker and Teleformation Center of the Faculty of Social Science – University of Buenos Aires – UBA. Http://

President of Tic Commission.

Vice-President of TOJUNTO. University Workshop on the neighborhoods.

Coordination of the informatics sub-commission of the Teleworker Commission of the Worker Ministry of the Nation.

UNESCO Course Director about Teleworker for young enterprising and Pymes on an agreement signed with the President's Office UTN, 2002-3. UNESCO Course Director about Teleworker 2004 for the coordinators training of technology community centre (telecentres) of the National Program for Teleworker of the Information Society Program of the Communication Secretary on an agreement signed with the TIC Commission.

Seminary dictation all over the country and the foreign about human resorts and about the impact of the new technologies in the working world for the Information and Knowledge Society.