Export of teleservices for the social and labor inclusion of Latin America and the Caribbean

Clara Costamagna


Collaborate with Sulmer Ramírez to carry out objective 3: Analyze the principal legal problems that can arise on the the teleservices international transactions on each participants country and make oriented recommendations for the offer and demand meeting that will translate to effectives decent work generating fonts on the region. 

Curriculum Vitae

Postgraduate Course

·         Lawyer Specialist on High Technologies Rights – Argentinean Catholic University – 2001-2002.

Master's Degree on Customs and Consular Rights – Argentinean Notarial University 1982-1983.


·         Lawyer – National University from the Coastal Faculty of Rights of Santa Fe – 1973-1976.

Notary – National University from the Coastal Faculty of Rights of Santa Fe – 1976.

Labor Antecedents

·         San Isidro Lawyer School Member T* XIV F* 40.

·         Buenos Aires Lawyer Public School Member T* 14 F* 320.

·         Titular Member of the Informatics Commission from the Buenos Aires Public Lawyer School.

·         Member of the Institute of Communication Rights and Author Rights of the Lawyer Public School of Buenos Aires.

·         Member of the TIC Activa Commission since 2005.