Export of teleservices for the social and labor inclusion of Latin America and the Caribbean

Paula Maciel


Advise and collaborate on the pursuit of the remotization of people with special capacities on teleattention.

Curriculum Vitae

Labor Antecedents

·         Founder Member of the Creativity Psychology Department. Psychology Faculty, UBA.

·         Teacher of the Subjects:

Humanity 1, Technology, Engineering and Society. Engineering and Technologies Investigation Department. Social Studies of Technology Area. La Matanza University.

Coordinator of the Investigation an Extension Program: “TICs for the social and civic inclusion”

In charge of the thematic incorporation of accessibility, access and adaptation technology on the Engineering Careers of the UNLM.  

Founder Member of the Disable and Human Rights Department.

Teacher and coordinator of the Operative Groups with students.

Elaboration of Workshops and reading matter, for students and for groups coordinators.

“Mothers of Plaza de Mayo University”

Investigation Works

·         Engineering and Technologies Investigation Department. UNLM.

“Disable and Labor Integration on La Matanza, 1994 – 1996”.

·         “Diagnostic relieve for the creation and/or improvement of urban obstacles detection for visual disable people”

·         “Dynamic for the social nets of disable people for the defense of their rights”.

·         Project: Preliminary Relevance for the creation of an Special Computing Laboratory for visual disable people for investigation and training.

·         The TICs as a tool for a inclusive university: the universities students strategies with visual disable people.

·         Accessibility Relevance for Web Sites on Argentinean Universities.

·         In charge of the Investigation Area of the Interuniversity Commission about “Disable and Human Rights”.

·         Coordinator of the subgroup of the Observatory Educational of Digital Accessibility of SIDAR, Spain.


Books in the press:

·         Compiler of the book “Technologies for the inclusion” Digital Version to be published for the SIDAR Foundation, Paper Version to be published for the UNLM.

Institutional Experience related to disable

·         Investigation Group about Psychological Topic, Argentinean Library for Blind People. 

·         Visual Disable Group, Argentinean Library for Blind.

·         Workshop Coordination about “Creativity and Labor Project for Visual Disable People” Román Rossell Rehabilitation Center.

·         Therapeutic Work and Group Coordination on the Rehabilitation Center of Adult Blind of the Ciudadela's Rotary Club.

·         Coordination of the Professionals Council with visual disable, Issue Academic Commission.

·         Foundation Member of the rights and integration net for disable people, (redi).

Coordination of the educational area of REDI:

·         Member of RedEspecial Argentina.

·         “Disable Artist” Collaborating http//  

·         “Integrating” Collaborating. http// 

·         Digital Art Show. http//